Prayer for Philip “Baird” Stafford

This Wiccan prayer combines (Neo) Pagan magic sources and (Neo) Hermetic magick sources into a magical and religious ritual.
(The key words can be clicked to see a Wikipedia article about that reference.)

[Face East]
Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East.
Sylphs of Air, Words of Creation, Archangel Ra-pha-el.
Attend and Defend, Open and Guide,
As we beseech the Rising Sun.

[Face South]
Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South.
Salamanders of Fire, Rays of Creation, Archangel Mi-cha-el.
Attend and Defend, Open and Guide,
As we beseech the Most High Sun.

[Face West]
Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West.
Undines of Water, Fountains of Creation, Archangel Ga-bri-el.
Attend and Defend, Open and Guide,
As we beseech the Setting Sun.

[Face North]
Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North.
Gnomes of Earth, Roots of Creation, Archangel Ur-i-el.
Attend and Defend, Open and Guide,
As we beseech the Triple Goddess, the three who are one.

[Face East]
O Rising Sun , ascend once again, for this one, whose spirit now rises with you.

[Face South]
O Most High Sun, Horned God, Father Dionysus, Lord-of-Theatre,
One of yours now bows, with final curtain closed.
Climb high again, shine bright again, burn hot again, for this one,
Who soothed with your wine, who blazed with your limelight, who burned with your passion.
He was both loving and beloved.

[Face West]
O Setting Sun , descend once again, to warm the earth, for this one, whose own sun, has now set, below the horizon.

[Face North Ground] [Lower the ashes]
O Mother Earth, Lady Gaia, Giver of Life, Your son’s ashes, are now returned to you.
Cradle him gently, as he sleeps.

[Face North Sky] [Raise the spirit ]
O Maiden Moon, Lady Selene, Giver of Beauty,
Your son’s spirit , is now returned to you.
Lift him in triumph, with the other constellations, as he arises.

[Face North Star] [Turn the sky]
O Wise Crone of Darkest Night, Lady Nyx, Giver of Truth,
Your son’s days, are now returned to you.
Turn the wheel of the sky, evermore, as he is reborn.

[Face Audience]
Friends, those of us who still have voice upon this earth,
We now stand in the balance,
In the space between the worlds,
At the earth’s core,
In the center of time.

[Cabalistic-Cross vertical] As above, so below,
[Cabalistic-Cross horizontal] Those who sing, those who weep,
[X-Cross] All voices are one,
[Spiral] in the harmonious center,
[Tau-Cross] And that voice now proclaims,
[Salute South] This Sun will rise again.
[Salute North] This wheel shall turn again.

[Salute East] This is what we see.
[Salute South] This is what we say.
[Salute West] This is what we know.
[Salute North] This is what we willed.

[Tau-Cross] The Akashic Records are established, now and forever.
[Tau-Cross Up] As it is written,
[Tau-Cross Down] So mote it be.

[Face Full Circle]
Hail and Farewell, to the Guardians of the Watchtowers.
Close and Release, with Honor and Thanksgiving,
For you have served him well, for all his life.
All work, for this one, is now complete.
Go in Peace , between we and thee.

[Face Audience]
The Circle, is now open, but unbroken.
Merry meet, and merry part, and merry meet again. Blessed be and Amen.
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